Starting at the end.

On Christmas Day I was lucky enough to get a copy of Tynan Sylvester’s “Designing Games”. Santa, and more likely my wonderful wife, do read my letters! Tomorrow is Hogmanay (Scotlands excuse to start drinking even earlier on New Years Eve), and I am most of the way through the first of many readings and it is brilliant.

You know those times when you are at work and you’ve felt, this just isn’t the right way to do it? And maybe you did know the right way to do it, and so you just did it, but buggered if you could put it into words? Well Tynan did the word part, and more.

Resisting the urge to read a few pages then dive back into code has been worth it. I’ve held back an entire 5 days before diving back into code. This could all be confirmation bias, but I feel like I’m at least making new and different types of mistakes instead of the same old ones. Ah, the sweet taste of progress.

(edited on December 30th 2024 because I’m still a WordPress newb)